kolmapäev, 3. september 2014

10 simple techniques to avoid morning stress

 It is very important to have a stress free morning – a day that starts well, ends well. Here are very simple and effective techniques to avoid morning stress.

Create an evening and morning routine
This is a great way to avoid morning stress and feel fresh in the morning. Here are some ideas you can do – put your clothes ready, think about eat you will eat in the morning and find your keys and wallet. These simple preparations will save you time and prevent stress in the morning.
Make a list
Another great way to avoid morning stress is to make a list of all the things you have to do in the morning. Then prioritize and prepare a timetable. Start your morning with the most important tasks. In case you do not manage to do everything, it will not be a morning stress factor, since those things will be with low priority.
Plan a realistic day
Planning ahead is very important if you want to avoid morning stress. Write down or think through everything that has to be done. Do not set unrealistic goals, leave enough time for every activity. Try to schedule also something you love. You will have less morning stress if there is something to look forward to.
Get a good night’s sleep
It is pretty obvious – if you get enough sleep you are not tired and stressed in the morning. Here is a great course that helps you to improve sleep quality.
Drink tea and water in the morning
When you wake up drink a glass of water first thing. A hydrated body is much more efficient.
Instead of coffee, drink green tea. Green tea is a great stress reliever and it helps you to stay calm.
Do some stretching exercises in the shower
Stretching is a great way to release tensions and avoid morning stress. It helps you to start your day feeling more relaxed. Stretching gets your blood flowing and helps your body to wake up. Hot water is helping your muscles to loosen up, so it is easier to get a good stretch. Feeling good physically helps feeling good mentally.Select couple of techniques suggested by relaxation trainer Toomas Õunap and notice the change. See his video course introduction here.
Put some happy music on
Music has been shown to reduce stress overall and have a positive effect on health. Listen to music that makes you happy while you go through your morning routine.
Eat a balanced breakfast
Healthy meal in the morning helps to balance your blood sugar and gives you the strength to overcome any stressful situations. Remember to have plenty of protein and fruit!
Take a morning walk
To avoid morning stress it is wise to plan some time also for morning walk. Walking has many, many health benefits. A morning walk can get you ready for your day. Walking lowers your stress level, and reduces your risk of other health conditions.
Be optimistic

If you believe that you will have a good day ahead, then YOU WILL HAVE A GOOD DAY AHEAD.

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